School Profile
Bonham Elementary School
3100 Wilkes Drive
Bryan, TX 77803
Mascot: Buccaneer
History: Our school is named for James Butler Bonham, one of the heroes of the Alamo. He was born in Red Banks, South Carolina on February 20, 1807, and was a friend and classmate of William Barret Travis. Although he did not receive a degree, he studied law and opened a practice in South Carolina. In 1835, Bonham was invited to join Travis in Texas. He joined the Mobile Grays and was given a commission as a lieutenant of cavalry. Bonham then joined the Texans at the Alamo. While at the Alamo, Travis sent Bonham to seek reinforcements. Bonham later returned with a letter advising Travis that help was on the way. On March 6, 1836, at the age of 29, Bonham died in the battle of the Alamo.
Gloria Garcia Rhodes